Who are Your Child’s Heroes?
Who are Your Child’s Heroes? by Dr. Curt Brannan Many of you no doubt saw the recent article in the...
Who are Your Child’s Heroes? by Dr. Curt Brannan Many of you no doubt saw the recent article in the...
Pride in School by Esther Vandiver What should we teach our students to feel towards their school? Should we teach...
Grateful Hearts! by Dr. Curt Brannan As I write Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. Most of us look forward...
D.A.R.E: Deflate Aim Realize Enjoy by Esther Vandiver I have a hundred-year-old ring on my finger that has a capital...
Christian Classical Education at GCA by Cheryl Vandiver Like all worthwhile endeavors, it is important to periodically review the fundamentals...
The Casual Christian by Dr. Curt Brannan We live in the day of “casual.” There is hardly an area of...
Why Do We Study Latin? by Susan Tolbert and Joey Williams One unique thing about Grace is the school-wide early...
The Place of Drama in a Classical Christian Education by Esther Vandiver Drama. Is there a place for drama in a...
Prepared Minds by Dr. Curt Brannan Impression vs. Being Ours is a culture concerned more about appearance than substance. For...