If I Were a Chicken
If I Were a Chicken by Esther Vandiver If I were a chicken, I wouldn’t be flattered by hearing you...
If I Were a Chicken by Esther Vandiver If I were a chicken, I wouldn’t be flattered by hearing you...
by Esther Vandiver Those who have never known the pleasure of a quiet, tranquil home life, free from the rush and...
A Theology of Weeds by Dr. Curt Brannan Why not just go ahead and send your child to a public...
The Everydayness of Worship by Dr. Curt Brannan Each morning I breakfast looking east. This is not a religious act,...
Simple Parenting by Dr. Curt Brannan It is impossible to escape the awesome and often overwhelming sense of responsibility that...
Prerequisite to the Promise by Dr. Curt Brannan Here is God’s promise: Train up a child in the way he...
Creating Battle Grammatica by Esther Vandiver How can you teach grammar, play a game, teach teamwork, earn individual extra credit...
About Time By Dr. Curt Brannan Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best...
Words that Fail By Dr. Curt Brannan I can’t get away from thinking about the power and importance of words! ...